Sunday, October 13, 2019

Week 6: Assignment 2.2

The library in Edmodo allows teachers to store different files that needed to be saved. These files can also be accessed and viewed by the class members. These files can range anywhere from a text to a picture or video. This function keeps everything organized.
On the left-hand side of the class page, there is a tab for members. When you click on it, the tab lists all the students and teachers. In the students tab you can click on and manage each student individually or create a small group and manage the students in your group. The teacher or the creator can see all the parents that are involved and add or delete a member.
The teacher can post quizzes, alerts, assignments, and notes for students and parents to see and respond to. This feature allows to teacher to post noted to one person, the class, a parent, or a small group of students. Teachers, students, and parents can reply to different posts, notes and comments. Teachers can post an assignment for students to complete by selecting the “assignment” link and filling out the title, description and due date. The teacher can then select if they want to assign the work to the whole class, or a smaller group. It is made available to the teacher who completed the assignment.
The message feature allows private teacher and student contact. The student can directly message the teacher with any questions about an assignment or about a post. The teacher can also message a student with any questions or concerns they may have.
The teacher can add events to specific dates on the calendar for students and parents to view. They can add the time, description and who they want it to be sent to.

How ELA teachers can enhance their ELA instruction:
Edmodo is a site that I believe all teachers can find a benefit from. New literacies are essential today and this type of social interaction while incorporating educational learning is a great way to keep the students engaged. The instant feedback that can be given with this site is great and it gives students the opportunity to contact the teacher from home. This site can be great for an ELA teacher to assign writing assignments from. The assignment can be posted to the class and the class can post their final work on Edmodo. The teacher can then grade the writing assignment and give feedback right on the site. I believe parental involvement is something that is very important in a student’s success. This site is very parent involved and I find it very beneficial that a teacher and parent can interact with each other on this site. It keeps parents up to date in real time about their child’s progress.

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