Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Week 4 Assignment 2

Grammar Gorillas lesson plan:

Grade level: 3rd Grade

Common Core Standards:  CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.3.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.3.1.a Explain the function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in general and their functions in particular sentences.

Learning Outcomes: The students should be able to identify the different parts of speech and point out each of their functions. They should be able to identify these parts of speech through reading, speaking, and in their own writing.

Instructional Activities: Students will play the game to build their grammar skills and knowledge on their parts of speech. This game will build their overall language acquisition both oral and written through repetition and reinforcement. 

Assessment: The teacher will give a small introductory quiz before the students play the game and again after they are finished. The teacher will then assess each student’s results on their knowledge of grammar and parts of speech to see how much the game benefited them. This assessment can be created online and given through the computers directly after the game or give a traditional written test. 

Debriefing: The teacher will print out the scores and results of each student and they each will be assigned a partner. The students will talk about and reflect on their own work as well as each other’s. The students will compare answers and be prompted subconsciously to consider the differences in their work. 

Cognitive skills: This game develops sustained attention over the period of time needed for the lesson. This also gives students discipline in memorization of the key parts of speech that are important to understand.

New Literacies: The new literacies cultivated in Grammar Gorillas are the internet and digital video. Both of these new literacies are involved in making the game fun, interactive and educational for the students.  

Haley Gibbons

Week 4 Assignment 1

The game I chose for this assignment is called “Grammar Gorillas” I chose this because it really appeals to the younger grades and I observed in a classroom where this was used, and the students really seemed to enjoy it. In regard to text, the Simulation Gaming article states that players need to be able to read the text and understand the object of the game, as well as get information needed to succeed. Grammar Gorillas provides clear instructions before the game has started and gives help and definitions at the bottom of the page for students to read and learn.

I think video graphic elements are extremely important in games, especially for the younger grades. This is what will keep the students engaged. The video graphic elements used in Grammar Gorillas are the sentence that is presented, and some fun graphics of bananas and gorillas, the more answers that you get right, the more bananas the gorillas will receive.

One thing that this game is missing is the audio aspect. I think involving this in would add a better level of engagement for players. Audio is important, especially with the younger grades.

The goal of this game is to try and figure out what word in the sentence is the correct part of speech that they’re asking for in the question. For example: For the sentence “The goalie kicked the ball forcefully to the other side of the soccer field” The player will be asked to find the noun. Each time you get a question correct; the gorilla will receive another banana. The player wants to collect as many bananas as possible. This game has no scenario design.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Week 3: Assignment 2

Which ideas from the PPT reflect what the ELA teachers you interviewed are currently doing to integrate technology with their literacy instruction? 
The PowerPoint talks about ICT's which are information and communication technologies. These include hardware and applications used to convey content. When interviewing my ELA teacher she talked about using google classroom which is an application students and teachers can use to submit and comment on work. 

How can you help change their instructional practices to include the use of technology and the Internet in their literacy and content-area curriculum?
One thing that I think would improve the use of technology in the classroom would be more online games/quizzes. There are many programs that allow teachers to create quizzes and educational games for children to interact with, and students seem to be more engaged this way.

What professional development and/or resources will they need in order to make these changes? I feel as if making these changes would be quite simple for teachers, as most teachers know how to use the internet. However, I think it is always beneficial for teachers to broaden their horizons and learn new things, especially when it comes to technology, an ever changing matter. What ideas do you have for grouping students so they will have equal access to technology in the classroom?
When it comes to group work, I think that doing some form of centers is a good idea, especially if the resources are limited. Having a group of students work on the computers and another group working on something else, and switching will keep the lesson interesting and also allow every student time on the computer. 

Week 3: Assignment 1

The main theme that was conveyed in all three articles was that technology is changing extremely fast and will continue to change, and teachers and students need to be able to keep up with it. Instruction in the classroom has almost made the complete turn to technology. If not all, most  classrooms have some sort of technological aspect of learning going on and its up to the teachers to instruct their students the right way to do it. This may be a challenge for the teachers that have been in the field for quite some time and are used to paper, books etc. However, it is extremely important that all teachers get on board with teaching technology and new literacies in the classroom because this is the only way to fully prepare students for their futures. Not only teachers have to be on board with this, but the school district as well. The districts must be able to provide teachers with tools for different media outlets to run properly. Technology in the classroom definitely comes with its challenges, but I think all in all it is a major benefit to the overall engagement of a lesson. One thing that really stood out to me in the Barone and Wright article was the statement that with technology in the classroom comes greater engagement and with greater engagement comes higher student achievement. I feel this statement has definitely proved to be true.

Thursday, September 5, 2019